Humana Health


Personalized dashboard design with care team member chat.

My role

  • Product designer

  • Visual designer

  • Ethnographic and usability researcher


For several years, Humana supported their Medicare members with a clinical care program. This program paired a Medicare member with a Humana registered nurse serving as a care support manager. However, the experience relied heavily on phone, email, and USPS for communication. All interactions took place over the phone, many documents were sent via USPS due to PHI concerns. Slow communication resulted in member health confusion, insurance questions, and lack of health condition knowledge.


Ethnographic research early allowed us to better define pain points. This vital investment narrowed down the key issues. Conducting over 20 ethnographic research sessions with Medicare age seniors including a few with their loved-ones/caregivers, we began to see patterns in their overall concern with their health care journey.

Notes from ethno research.

Business need

  • Close members’ gaps-in-care (missing vaccine boosters, colonoscopies, etc.)

  • Drive members to digital

Member need

  • On-demand question triage and support with health care professional (RN who works for Humana)

  • Health history access (Rx, conditions, immunizations)

  • Share information with loved-one/caregiver but with limited PHI

  • Relevant education at the right time

  • Cost transparency and planning


At this stage we put our ideas to “paper”. We allowed the brainstorming to take shape. The designs were put to the test, using moderated testing conducted in UserZoom. Tracking hypotheses and usability supplied data for the next iterations.

Dashboard concept for user testing.

User testings secure chat with care team screen.


This an example of how I set up my whiteboard space for user testing with cohorts. This allows me to quickly take notes and track our teams’ assumptions. Once finished, I begin synthesizing with affinity clustering, and creating a research brief to share with product team, stakeholders, and development team.


Once we captured research learnings, we shared that information with our product managers, developers, and business stakeholders. Prototypes were delivered to the development team and we would have working software in weeks.


Care Connect